Dec 27, 2023 | Empowered Parent

Here’s How to Calmly Regain Control When Your Teen Pushes Your Buttons

Few teenage behaviors infuriate parents faster than disrespect. You request they pause video games for dinner. Cue the dramatic eye roll. You remind them to walk the dog. They snap back sarcastically. Ask them to tidy their disaster zone of a room. Now you’re the “worst mom ever” for always nagging.

And just like that, seeing red, you’ve lost it. Again. Screaming erupts as you both say damaging things in the heat of anger. After yet another blow up, you feel defeated. And worried this damage is becoming permanent.

It’s Time to Break the Cycle

Losing your cool in reaction to disrespect only pours gasoline on the flames. Yelling decreases listening while modeling poor conflict resolution. These blow ups train your brain to flip out instead of remain calm. And your teen discovers which buttons push you over the edge most easily.

Regaining Your Composure

The key to ending this dysfunctional pattern lies in self awareness and self control. By managing your own knee-jerk reactions first, you regain the ability to assertively guide your teen’s behavior too. Here are 5 steps for staying centered when they aim to provoke you:

  1. Notice tension rising early and take a few deep, slow breaths.
  2. Recognize the futility of engaging if either of you is worked up.
  3. Say calmly “I won’t discuss this while we’re both upset. Let’s talk later when we can listen.”
  4. Exit the situation, even if they try baiting you to react.
  5. Return clear headed and address the issue respectfully but firmly.

Essentially, you retrain your brain to respond thoughtfully rather than reciprocate anger. This neutralizes their attempts to push your buttons by refusing to react blindly. Sure, removing yourself interrupts life temporarily. But it’s profoundly better than allowing disrespect to destroy your relationship long-term.

Healthy Authority

Once you can sidestep emotional traps, swiftly enforce household rules with empathy paired with accountability. For example, “I understand you don’t want to stop playing Xbox. However, we agree dinnertime means powering off electronics and connecting in person. What we watch and play impacts our moods. Let’s enjoy this mealtime together.”

In closing, don’t accept repeated disrespect from a teenager. But raging backicidal proves ineffective too. The healthiest response lies in managing your own reactions first before asserting wise leadership they can accept. Skillfully dodging push button provocations while holding expectations with compassion paves the pathway to cooperation.

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